Solicitor struck off for discussing how young female client could pay off bill with topless photo shoot
- 05
- Dec
A male solicitor has been found guilty of discussing with a vulnerable female client a third his age that she might make good an unpaid bill with a topless photo shoot and possibly sexual activity.
Anthony Robert Dart was also found to have watched pornography in his office with her.
The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal struck him off, saying “this was clearly a situation where a solicitor in a position of trust, very experienced in dealing with criminal defendants, was in a position of significant power over an individual who owed him money and whom he believed to have mental health and other issues”.
The tribunal said the conversations Mr Dart had with the client included “specific contemplation of photographs of Miss BC, and also clear implications of possible sexual activity… which were described as ‘payments not in cash but in kind’”.
(Source – Legal Futures website)